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This is a collection of all Pokemon games published on all gaming systems, including PC, console, handheld, and mobile. This collection not only has the original officially released Pokemon games from Nintendo, but it also has a lot of games labeled fan-made.
Everyone knows that Pokemon is the legendary game series with the longest history and most popular in the world. Based on the core of the original game, many different versions have been created by fans. Depending on how the programmers want to "process", fan-made Pokemon games have different changes. Usually, it's difficulty balancing, interface changes, story changes, graphics upgrades, gameplay tweaks, and more.
We wouldn't categorize original games with fan-made games because they are all games revolving around Pokemon at their core. So, if you're looking for the most comprehensive collection of Pokemon games, this is the only place you'll need to look.
This collection is still being updated.
- Pokemon Fusion Origins GBA
- Pokemon Saiph Version GBA
- Pokemon Nameless GBA
- Pokemon Modern Emerald GBA
- Pokemon Sinnoh Legacy GBA
- Pokemon Shining Opal GBA
- Pokemon Rumble World Nintendo 3DS
- Pokemon Dark Violet GBA
- Pokemon Cloud White 3 GBA
- Pokemon Cloud White 2 GBA
- Pokemon Prism GameBoy Color
- Pokemon Vega Minus GBA