Final Fantasy XII International: Zodiac Job System PS2 ROM

[PS2] Final Fantasy XII International: Zodiac Job System ROM Download

Final Fantasy XII International: Zodiac Job System ROM Description

  • Year of release: 2007
  • RPG with a console/MMO aesthetic
  • PS2 platform
  • Region: NTSC (16:9 if PS2 settings allow it)
  • Media: DVD-5
  • Rating for age: 12+
  • Language of interface: English
  • No multiplayer

The “License Board” was swapped out with the “Zodiac Job System” in the international version of Final Fantasy 20th anniversary edition, which was published on August 9, 2007.

Every zodiac sign corresponds to a distinct employment class, and each character needs to decide which to hone. They receive a distinct “License Board” that is specific to the selected employment.

Final Fantasy Tactics used a similar mechanism. The basic License Board version of this system was really intended for Final Fantasy XII, but sadly, there was not enough time to improve it before the game’s release.

This error was fixed in the Zodiac Job System edition of Final Fantasy XII International. Numerous additional enhancements and new features are also included. Regretfully, only Japan was able to purchase this edition.


  • English voice acting took the place of Japanese voice acting, as is customary for international releases.
  • Nowadays, every race has its own dialect. This was slated for the original Final Fantasy XII, but Yasumi Matsuno’s departure from Square Enix caused it to be removed.
    The conventional “License Board” has been replaced with the new “Zodiac Job System”. Every zodiac sign-related “job” is listed below: Archer, Black Mage, Breaker, Uhlan, Mechanic, Ninja, Knight, Monk, Red Mage, Time Mage, Samurai, and White Mage. The position is selected once and remains that way. Every position has a little “License Board” with specific licenses on it. Some areas can only be accessed with shared espers that are engaged on a single board.
    There are now more gambits, and L1 can speed up the game up to four times faster.
  • The ability to employ guests’ and espers’ skills on command, rather than letting them act on their own, has been added. However, they are still limited to using the same equipment and gags.
  • There was new Aqua magic added.
  • Rather than healing a single character, the Cure spell now heals the whole party. Since not all jobs can now use it, this adjustment was done.
  • Gil (money) is now easy to earn.
  • With the modification of the random treasure mechanism, obtaining desired things became considerably simpler. especially the Zodiac Spear, which, regardless of previous chests opened, now appears in a Henne Mines chest.
  • There was an additional challenge added, consisting of 100 stages with bosses to fight (often more than one each level).
  • The Zaitengrate, a special invisible bow that may be equipped by any job and does the maximum physical damage, is a new hidden weapon that has been added.
  • Run the ROM file directly on a PS2 emulator.
  • Some games have more than one version; they are distributed in different countries and regions with included language packs. You need to choose the right one.

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